Bratislava is the capital of the Slovak Republic. Once it was the royal coronation town called Pressburg. Bratislava has seen during its long history, a period of prosperity and decline. The golden period is the period the reign of Maria Theresa. The monarch was crowned queen of the Ugrian just in St. Martin in Bratislava.
Bratislava is situated in Central Europe. It lies on both banks of the River Danube, the second largest river in Europe and in the foothills of Malé Karpaty. The city is situated on the borders of three countries adjacent to Hungary and Austria to the south to southwest. In terms of self-governing subdivisions, the city is divided seventeen districts.

The city covers an area of ​​367.58 km square. In addition to the Danube, who race here, the city also covers part of the Morava River, which forms the northwest border and flows into the Danube in Devin, it passes the Little Danube River Vydrica, which flows into the Danube in the city of Charles Ves.

While the current name of the city, Bratislava, used only since 1919, his coat of arms dates back to in 1436. Then Sigismund granted the right to use the town crest, which was known as Pressburg German and Hungarian as Poszony.
The coat of arms shows a red background, characteristic of late Gothic, silver fortress with three towers, while in the middle of the gate. On top of each tower are two gold balls, and the gate is raised to mid golden portcullis. A common misconceptions is that the coat of arms represents the Bratislava Castle or one of four medieval gates of the town (St. Michael's, Laurinska, fishing or Vydrickú gate). In fact, it's just a general view of the medieval city.

The capital of the Slovak Republic Bratislava administered elected local authorities. The highest representatives of the mayor, the highest legislative body of a 80-member city council. The structure of local government there since 1990.
Bratislava is divided into 17 districts. The greatest of these is Petržalka, where he lives almost 120 000 inhabitants. Districts are independent legal entities, which manage their own assets and budget. Each borough has its own mayor, the local authority and local council. Number of members of the local council depends on the size of a city population.

Bratislava was once famous as a trilingual city, whose inhabitants spoke German, Hungarian and Slovak.
Almost everyone speaks in Bratislava Slovak language, which belongs to the West Slavic languages​​. Slovak is very similar to Czech, and is more or less understood and Polish speaking people. Hungarian is the mother tongue of about ten percent of Slovak citizens, most of whom live in the southern part of the country. He says it also a minority population of Bratislava.

English and German are extended as a second language, especially among the young. The level of English is often good, though, before the local open, it is sometimes necessary encouragement. Do not be afraid to ask for English-speaking person. The word "English" and almost everyone knows will always be someone around who speaks English. Most Slovaks aged over 40 years at the school took several years of teaching the Russian language, but few of them remember it and you'll hear the local language is spoken only rarely.

Most people of Bratislava (56.7%) is committed to the Roman Catholic religion. The next largest group ( 29.3%) are atheists. The rest are 24 810 (6%), Lutherans, the Augsburg Confession,  (0.7%), Greek Catholics, 1,918 members of the Reformed Church Jehovah's WitnessesEastern Orthodox Christians members of the Methodist Church people of Jewish faith and Baptists.

Bratislava has a mild inland climate that is characterized by large temperature differences between summer and winter as well as four distinct seasons. In recent years, however, the transition between winter and summer set in the Bratislava without the typical spring and Freezing winter weather suddenly from one day to the next change in summer temperatures.

Surface area 367.9 km2
Population: 425,155 (2004)
Location: 17 ° 7'východnej longitude, latitude 48 ° 9'severnej
Altitude: 126 to 514 meters above sea level
Time zone: CET (GMT +1 hour)
Summer time from March to October (GMT + 2 hours)

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